Programmable logical controller ( PLC) is a kind of controller withhigher stability and reliability, it has lower fault probability. PLC是一种可靠性、稳定性较高的控制器,其出现故障的概率较低。
First, based on a pollution flashover probability model for insulators under certain operation voltage and conditional probability, the fault probability of transmission lines was obtained. 首先基于一定工作电压下绝缘子的污闪概率模型及条件概率原理得出污闪下线路发生某种故障的概率;
The average correlation coefficient is calculated to remove the errors caused by asynchronous sampling and the faulty line selection list is sorted according to the fault probability of line. 通过求取相关系数平均值,避免数据采集不同步引起的计算误差,得到按照发生线路故障可能性大小排列的故障选线序列。
Effect of pre-deformation on stacking fault probability and damping capacity of Fe-Mn alloy 预变形对Fe-Mn合金层错几率和阻尼性能的影响
At first, according to the system dependency matrix, the testability measure is integrated with fault probability and testing costs, and new information calculating formulas are derived for fault diagnosis. 首先根据系统的相关性矩阵,将测试性度量、故障概率和测试费用统一考虑,推导出测试点的故障诊断信息量计算公式;
Safety analysis includes fault tree construction, fault tree reduction, minimal cut set algorithm and top event probability computation according to basic event fault probability. 面向对象软件可靠性分析过程包括面向对象软件故障树构造、故障树简化及量化、依据基本事件失效概率确定系统失效(顶部事件)的概率等。
Effect of Stacking Fault Probability and Quenched in Vacancies on ε Martensitic Transformation Temperature in Fe Mn Si Alloy Fe-Mn-Si合金中层错几率和淬火空位对ε马氏体相变温度的影响
The method of fault Locating offered by this paper called line fault probability method, which locates fault by calculating the fault probability of line in the net. With the technical level of modern facility improves continually, the fault probability increases greatly. 提出了基于支路故障概率的故障定位算法,并结合短路电流特性判据法来定位故障支路;现代设备技术水平不断提高,生产率、自动化要求越来越高,相应地,故障也随之增加。
After calculating the matrix, the discrete event tree is established and used to solve the system fault probability. 在求得状态转移矩阵后,再建立离散动态事件树,来求得系统故障概率。
Efficient method for computing the fault probability of large-scale network systems 一种用于网络系统可靠性计算的快速有效方法
The system has many characteristics, such as low cost, multifunction, early finding, high accuracy, low miss probability and low fault probability, wide scope of application. 该系统具有成本低、功能全、早期发现、准确度高、漏报率及误报率低、适用范围广的特点。
The DG-1 parity check technique is described in this paper. The dynamic configuration of CPU and the structural principles of MOS memory for Hamming codes are introduced and the fault probability in CPU and MOS memory is analyzed. 本文对DG-1型计算机的奇偶检测技术及CPU动态配置下的可靠性、可维性以及具有Hamming编码MOS存贮器的可靠性、可维性作了详细介绍和分析。
The fault probability, the degree of fault tolerance and problem of reliabilty in the fault tolerant control system are analyzed in the view of statistics. 基于系统的状态划分,以统计理论的观点分析了容错控制系统中的故障概率、容错能力和可靠性问题。
In the aspect of the prediction of fault probability, the simulation results show that the new model may predict the fault probability caused by real defects more accurately than the circular model does. 在缺陷引起故障概率预测方面,仿真结果表明新模型比圆模型更接近真实缺陷引起的故障概率。
The stacking fault probability of Fe-Mn-Si alloys varies contrarily and slightly compared with that of above both alloys. Fe-Mn-Si合金的变化规律与之相反,且变化幅度很小。
Application of bayes network on estimation of machine fault probability Bayes网络在机械故障概率估计中的应用
With the fuzzy logic that can quantificationally describe the fuzziness and incertitude of the engineering mechanical system parts status, the fuzzy engineering mechanical system parts status was quantificationally described, and the fault probability of system parts was obtained. 充分利用模糊逻辑可以对模糊性和不确定性进行定量描述的特性,对工程机械模糊的系统部件技术状况进行定量描述,求得系统部件发生故障的概率。
A new method which combines the Bayes decision with minimum risk and the revised posterior probability is put forward, the method is more sensitive to the fault diagnosis and decreases missing fault probability. 将最小风险决策与SVM输出的后验概率有机融合,使该方法对故障的诊断更加敏感,减小漏判概率;
Analysis and Protection Method of High Fault Probability in Circumferential Welding Seams in Pressure Vessels 压力容器环焊缝事故率高的剖析及对策
By introducing the fuzzy logic and T-S model, the new fuzzy fault tree analysis is capable of handling the fuzzy information, and dealing with the uncertainty of the event and fault relation without the exact information about the fault probability and failure mechanism. T-S模糊故障树分析中不需要精确了解部件的故障概率,也不需要精确了解故障的机理,从而解决了系统的事件和故障机理的不确定性问题。
Connecting fuzzy classification to artificial neural networks, the paper builds machine fault diagnosis model based on Fuzzy Neural Networks ( FNN), and uses the model for turbo-machinery fault diagnosis. At the same time, fault probability factor is induced in this paper. 将模糊分类和传统神经网络相结合,建立了模糊神经网络(FNN)故障诊断模型,并将该模型应用于透平机械故障诊断,同时在模糊神经网络的输出中引人故障概率因子。
Peak Shift Method on Stacking Fault Probability Determination and Its Application on Fe Mn Si Alloys 层错几率峰位移测定法及在Fe-Mn-Si合金中的应用
An efficient method for computing the fault probability of network systems is presented. 针对大型网络系统故障模式间存在相关性,所导致的系统可靠性定量计算过程复杂且计算量大的问题,提出了网络系统可靠性定量计算的一种有效方法。
In the framework of probabilistic SDG model, inference approach is presented, which implements Bayesian inference with elimination algorithm and junction tree algorithm to calculate the fault probability. 然后在概率SDG模型的框架下,提出一种故障分析诊断的推理方法,即利用图消去算法和连接树算法进行贝叶斯推理,并计算出故障概率。
For fault detection of sensors, the thesis predicts the next output data of sensor by numeric algorithm, and then gets the fault probability of sensor by compared the predict data with actual data which sensor acquire. 为了检测出传感器的故障,本文使用了数值计算方法进行传感器输出数据的预测,并根据预测结果与实际传感器输出结果的比较得到传感器的故障概率。
The health index and fault probability are gained according to the real condition of each device of relay protection. Then the reliability index which is the protection successful probability is calculated according to the reliability model of relay protections which established by GO method. 根据保护系统各个元件实际状态得到其健康指数和故障概率,利用GO法建立继电保护系统可靠性模型,计算得到保护成功概率这一可靠性指标。
According to a priori exact probability or experts estimate that the probability, the classical Expectation-Maximization algorithm calculates the joint fault probability distribution and probability distribution of marginal respectively. 根据观测的信息或专家经验估计阀件的先验概率,最大期望估计算法学习各个阀件故障的联合概率分布和边缘概率分布。
As the available resources, such as power, memory and computing capability are limited and the sensors are usually deployed in an uncontrolled or even harsh or hostile environments, the fault probability of the sensor nodes are much greater than traditional network nodes. 由于计算能力、电量、存储空间等资源限制,以及传感器经常被部属在不可控、恶劣甚至敌对环境中,无线传感器网络发生故障的可能性要比传统网络更大。
To deal with dynamic fault set caused by fault recovery mechanism, we modify prior fault probability based on fault persistent time statistic; to deal with dynamic model, we build an expected model based on observed symptom times and the original models in current time window. 针对故障自动修复机制导致的动态故障集环境,在故障持续时间统计的基础上修正当前窗口内先验故障概率;针对动态模型环境,基于当前窗口内原始模型和观察症状时间建立期望模型。
Due to the industrial unit has been developed in the direction of large-scale, high speed and complexity, fault probability is also constantly increasing. 随着科学技术的发展,工业机组正在向大型化、高速化、复杂化方向发展,其发生故障的概率也在不断的增大。